Comprehensive Vet Care

In addition to quality home care, your pet needs professional veterinary care to stay in optimal health. Partnering with a trustworthy veterinarian will make it easier to manage your pet’s healthcare needs. A "vet near me" puts comprehensive vet care at your fingertips when you need it most. Pet owners in Spokane, WA, can turn to West Plains Animal Hospital for all their pet care needs.

Comprehensive Vet Care

Comprehensive Vet Care

At West Plains Animal Hospital, we offer a comprehensive vet care program for dogs, cats, and horses consisting of preventive care, medical care and emergency/urgent care services. These services include pet exams and diagnostics, vaccinations, pet dental care, nutritional counseling, dermatology care, and more.

Pet Exam and Diagnostics

A pet exam is an annual or biannual checkup to determine your pet’s state of health. During this exam, we visually inspect your pet’s body from nose to tail, including its skin and coat, for signs of health issues. We also check your pet’s joints, palpate its abdomen for signs of digestive issues and listen to its heart and lungs. If we uncover irregularities, we’ll perform diagnostics to determine your pet’s condition.

Through diagnostic testing, i.e. blood, urine and fecal tests, and digital x-rays, our veterinarian in Spokane can accurately diagnose hidden internal issues like kidney and liver disease, parasitic infections, diabetes, cancer, and other serious issues. This enables your pet to get the appropriate treatment without delay.   


Vaccinations are a critical aspect of any comprehensive vet care program. They protect your pet from contagious diseases that can lead to death. We’ll help you determine the best vaccines for your pet and personalize a vaccination schedule conducive to its healthcare needs.

Dental Care and Nutritional Counseling

Your pet’s oral health is directly tied to its overall health, as dental problems can lead to serious medical issues. Our veterinarian offers annual dental exams and cleanings to keep your pet’s teeth and gums in good health. We also treat dental issues like decay, tooth infections, and gum disease to restore your pet’s oral health. A healthy diet will contribute towards good oral care as well as bolster your pet’s overall health. Through nutritional counseling, you can learn more about your pet’s dietary needs for strength, energy and vitality. The right diet can help keep your pet healthy, happy and active well into its senior years.  

Urgent/Emergency Care

In the event of pet emergencies or urgent care, you can trust our team to provide prompt, effective care to restore your pet’s health.  

See Our "Vet near Me" in Spokane, WA, for Quality Pet Care

For quality pet care services you can trust, contact West Plains Animal Hospital in Spokane, WA, at (509) 624-3474.

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