Arthritis In Pets FAQ

Arthritis is a common condition affecting dogs and cats of all ages, breeds, and sizes. Though it often leads to joint pain and stiffness, many treatment options are available at West Plains Animal Hospital in Spokane, WA. Our veterinarians are here to help pets manage their arthritis and enjoy a good quality of life. Let’s discuss some of the commonly asked questions about arthritis in pets, including how veterinarians can help.

Arthritis In Pets FAQ

What Are Some Common Signs of Arthritis in Pets?

The most common signs of arthritis in pets are pain and joint stiffness. This can lead to a decrease in activity level, difficulty rising from a resting position, reluctance to go for walks or play, and changes in behavior. Some pets may also seem grumpy or irritable. If you notice any of these changes in your pet, it's important to bring them in for a pet exam so a veterinarian can diagnose the problem and develop a treatment plan.

What Are the Causes of Arthritis in Pets?

There are many possible causes of arthritis in pets, including age-related degeneration of the joints, injury or trauma to the joints, infections, and autoimmune diseases. In some cases, the cause of arthritis cannot be determined.

How Is Arthritis Diagnosed in Pets?

A pet exam is the best way to diagnose arthritis in pets. A veterinarian can take a complete history and perform a physical examination. We may also recommend x-rays to assess the severity of the condition and rule out other potential causes of the pet's symptoms.

What Are the Treatments for Arthritis in Pets?

The goal of treatment for arthritis is to relieve pain and improve joint function. This can be accomplished with a combination of weight management, exercise, physiotherapy, medication, and supplements. Our veterinarians will work with you to develop a pet care plan for your pet’s individual needs.

Can Arthritis Be Prevented in Pets?

There is no sure way to prevent arthritis in pets, but there are some things you can do to lessen the likelihood of developing the condition. This includes maintaining a healthy weight for your pet, avoiding joint injury, and providing supplements that support joint health.

Contact Our Animal Hospital to Schedule a Pet Exam

We are committed to providing the best possible pet care for your furry friend at West Plains Animal Hospital in Spokane. If you have questions about pet arthritis or any other health concerns, don't hesitate to call our team today at (509) 624-3474 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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